Aktuellt träningsprogram


Training zones

0 – Nothing at all1 – Very light

2 – Fairly light

3 – Moderate

4 – Somewhat hard

5 – Hard


7 – Very hard



10 – Very, very hard

Speed interval pace – RPE 8-9Threshold interval pace – RPE 7-8

Threshold/tempo pace – RPE 6-7

Snabb distance (steady state) pace – RPE 5-6

Distance pace – RPE 4

Long runs – RPE 3

Recovery runs – RPE 2

Race paces:

5k race pace – RPE 8

10k race pace – RPE 7

Half-marathon pace – RPE 5

Marathon pace – RPE 4

Hi All,

Time flies when you are having fun and running happy! Well done everyone on a wonderful spring with some great performances and even better memories from our trainings together. Let keep our motto alive and run with joy, happiness, and a little bit of guts. Here comes our next part of our training program.


OBS: se nyheter på förstasidan för ändringar i träningsscheman!

Week 17

Tough Tuesday: “Power P-O’s way!” – Our coach Po is one of a kind! He has been with the Club since the beginning and once upon a time was as fast as lighting. With age he is like a fine wine, he is enjoyable to watch, coach, and can bring his A game when he feels for it. So watch and learn how the master does it.

15mins warm up – then 20 x 90s @ 7.5-8.5/10, with 45-60s rest between – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: “I can’t Breathe” – 15mins warm up – then 2 x 20mins @ Half marathon race pace, 5mins jog between – 15mins warm down



Week 18

Valborgsmässoafton och ingen coach-ledd träning på tisdagen

Tough Tuesday: 2mins of fame: 15mins warm up – then 2 x (8 x 2mins, 45s rest between), 2mins between sets – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: Longer daze: 20mins warm up – then 9mins, 7mins, 5mins, 2 x 3mins all with 90s rest between – 15mins warm doen

Week 19


Tough Tuesday: Third Wheel: 15mins warm up – then 10 x 3mins, 75s rest between – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: Rise Above: 15mins warm up – then 20 x 45s hills, jog down for rest – 15mins warm down

Week 20

Tough Tuesday: Four days: 15mins warm up – then 10 x 4mins, 75s rest between – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: 135mins long run with a 20minutes block at Marathon/half marathon race pace.

Week 21

Tough Tuesday: Five weeks: 15mins warm up – then 8 x 5mins, 90s rest between – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: Meters: 15mins warm up – then 15 x 60s hills, jog back down for rest – 15mins warm down

Week 22

Stockholm marathon på lördagen

Tough Tuesday: On point: 15mins warm up – then 8mins @ half marathon race pace, 2mins rest – then 8 x 45s faster running with 45s rest between – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: NO Training!

Week 23

Tough Tuesday: “I can’t Breathe” 15mins warm up – then 6 x 60s Hills @ Speed interval pace, jog down for rest between – then 12mins @ Threshold pace, 90s rest, then 4 x 60s hills @ Speed interval pace with jog back down for rest between – 10mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: “Too much”15mins warm up – then 12mins @ threshold, 120s rest, then 10 x 60s hard, 60s rest between, 8mins @ threshold – 15mins warm down

Week 24

Tough Tuesday: “Down the drain” 15mins warm up – then 4 x (5 x 75s @ 5s faster than your 10km race pace, 45s jog between), 90s rest between sets– 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: “Why not” 1hour 45mis long run with mins 75-95@ half marathon race pace.

Week 25


Tough Tuesday: Worrying times” – Workout: 15mins warm up – then 2 x (2mins @ Threshold pace, 1mins @ Speed interval pace, 2mins @ Threshold pace, 120s rest, 2mins @ Speed interval pace, 4mins @ Threshold pace, 2mins @ Speed interval pace), 2mins rest between sets – 5-15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: No training

Week 26

Trosa stadslopp på fredagen

Tough Tuesday: ”YOUR INTENSITY HIGHWAY”- 15mins warm up – then 3 sets of (60s, 60s, 60s, 30s rest, 60s, 60s, 60s all 60s intervals are meant to increase in intensity), 90s rest between sets – then end with a 2minutes finale!!!

Saturday Sublime: No Training

Week 27

Tough Tuesday: “You are my Sunshine” – 15mins warm up – then 5mins @ threshold pace, with 90s rest, then 8 x 90s @ 10-15s/km faster than the 5mins interval, 45s rest between – then 4mins @ threshold pace again – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: Love hurts” – 20mins warm up – then 4 x 6mins @ threshold pace, 75s rest between – 20mins warm down

Week 28

Tough Tuesday: “Reflux” – 15mins warm up – then 12 x 60s hills @ 5s faster than your 10km race pace, jogging back down for rest– 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: Patric Say’s” – 10mins warm up – then 10 x 3mins @ threshold interval pace, 45s rest – 15mins warm down

Week 29

Tough Tuesday: “Play your card” – 15mins warm up – then 12 x 75s hills, jogging back down for rest – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: Resting never” – 20mins warm up – then 2 x (3mins @ Marathon race pace, 3mins @ half marathon race pace, 3mins @ 10km race pace, 3mins @ 5km race pace), no rest in between sets – 20mins warm down

Week 30

Tough Tuesday: “Wonderful Sweden” – 15mins warm up – then 15 x 2mins @ threshold, with 60s at slightly slower than distance pace – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: Uncontrollable” – 15mins warm up – then 5 x 4mins @ speed interval pace, 120s rest between – 15mins warm down

Week 31

Tough Tuesday: “Welcome to the Paradise” – 15mins warm up – 2mins, 4mins, 6mins, 10mins, 6mins, 4mins, 2mins (keeping the same pace throughout (about 10km race pace), 75s rest between each – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: You city rocker” – 10mins warm up – then 2 x 30mins @ half marathon race pace, 5mins between (not threshold) 5mins warm down

Week 32

Tough Tuesday: “Inside your head” – 15mins warm up – 2 x 60s, 3mins, 4 x 60s, 4mins, 6 x 60s, 6mins – the first longer time intervals should be @ 5s slower than your current 10km race pace, the 60s intervals should be @ 10s faster than your 10km race pace, 60s rest between all – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: Long run 120mins easy

Week 33

Tough Tuesday: “Fix you broken” – 15mins warm up – then 8 x 60s, 60s rest, 8 x 45s, 45s rest, 8 x 30s, 30s rest all at the same faster than 10km race pace – 15mins warm down

Saturday Sublime: In the clouds” – 15mins warm up – then 2 x (5mins, 4mins, 3mins @ threshold), then finish with 6 x 60s @ 10s/km faster than longer intervals, all with 60s rest, but 120s rest between sets – 15mins warm down

Week 34

Tough Tuesday: ”Agent Orange!” – 15mins warm up – 2 x strides – 2 x 60s, 2mins, 4mins, 6mins, 4mins, 2mins, 2 x 60s, all with 60s rest between, then 4 x 30s to finish with 15s rest between.

Saturday Sublime: “Six wise men – 15mins warm up – then 6 x 5mins, 90s rest between @ threshold interval pace – 15mins warm down